
How Many Animals Are Killed From Poaching Each Year

Approximately thirty,000 species per year — about three per hr — are being driven to extinction.
– Harvard University

Approximately 80 pct of the decline in global biological diversity is acquired past habitat devastation.
– African Salvation

DeerWildlife habitat in the earth is being destroyed at a charge per unit of approximately 5,760 acres per 24-hour interval or 240 acres per hour.
– African Salvation

The population of wildlife throughout the earth decreased in size by approximately 52 percent between 1970 and 2010. The human population more than than doubled in size during the period.
– World Wild fauna Fund

Four per centum of the mammals in the globe are wild animals. 30-six percentage are man beings and sixty per centum are farm animals.
– United states of america National Academy of Sciences

Illegal wildlife trafficking throughout the world brings in approximately United states of america $twenty billion per year.
– United States Fish and Wild animals Service

Pangolins are the nigh trafficked mammals in the globe. I is taken from the wild by poachers once every five minutes.
– International Matrimony for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

An boilerplate of 96 elephants are killed for their ivory in Africa each day.
– Wildlife Conservation Society

More African elephants are being killed for ivory than are existence born.
– Convention on International Merchandise in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora

Approximately 60 percent of elephant deaths are at the hands of poachers.
– Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora

Three rhinoceroses are killed past poachers on an average solar day.
– I Green Planet

There were once dozens of rhinoceros species. Now only five remain.
– International Rhino Foundation

Africa's panthera leo population has decreased in size by approximately 42 percent during the past two decades.
– African Wildlife Foundation

A century ago wild dog packs in Africa typically consisted of approximately 100 members. At present the average pack size is 10.
– American Museum of Natural History

Every year poachers take more than 38 million animals from the wilds of Brazil to meet the global need for illegal wildlife. Most are birds destined to become caged pets for people in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Madrid or New York.
– National Geographic

Biodiversity in Latin America has decreased by approximately 83 percent since the 1970s.
– Defenders of Wildlife

The marine vertebrate population decreased in size by approximately 49 percent between 1970 and 2012.
– Earth Wildlife Fund

Approximately 85 percent of the fisheries around the world that are fished commercially are at their absolute maximum or already overfished.
– United Nations Food and Agricultural Arrangement

SharkPeople kill more than than 100 1000000 sharks throughout the world each year — often illegally to brand shark-fin soup.
– World Wildlife Fund

More than 650,000 marine mammals are killed or seriously injured every twelvemonth throughout the world as a consequence of accidental entanglement or capture in fishing gear. In many cases the gear is fishing line that has simply been abandoned.
– Endangered Species Coalition

More than than 100 meg animals are reported killed by hunters in the United States each year. That number does non include the millions of animals for which kill figures are not maintained by land wild animals agencies.
– Delaware Action for Animals

Every yr in the U.s. more 4,000 tons of lead are shot into the surroundings by hunters. This results in the poisoning deaths of approximately 20 meg animals.
– Cooper Ornithological Society

More than 126,000 hunting trophies are imported into the United States each twelvemonth.
– Humane Society of the U.s.a.

In that location are more than one,000 captive animal hunting operations in the United States.
– Humane Guild of the United States

Thousands of individuals are arrested for poaching in the United States each year. However, experts believe that but betwixt 1 and five percent of poachers are caught.
– Humane Order Wild fauna Land Trust

Approximately 180,000 pounds of bushmeat is smuggled into the United States undetected each year.
– Pan African Sanctuary Brotherhood

Approximately ane in 20 motor vehicle collisions reported in the United states of america involves an animate being.
– United States Department of Transportation

In that location are more than i.5 million collisions betwixt vehicles and deer each year in the United States.
– American Motorcar Association

Approximately one billion birds dice annually afterward colliding with glass in the U.s..
– American Bird Conservancy

More 11,000 collisions between aircraft and wildlife — mostly birds — took identify in the United States last year.
– Federal Aviation Administration

Approximately half dozen,000 tigers are currently being kept as pets in the United states. The number is greater than the number of tigers in the wild throughout the world.
– Born Gratis

More than one million seals have been killed in the annual seal hunts in Canada during the last five years. Harp seals are the primary targets of the hunters. Approximately 97 percent of the harp seals killed are pups less than three months onetime.
– Humane Society of the United States


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